What we do
The Higher Education and Careers Team at West Island School works with students and parents to guide, support and advise students in making optimistic but realistic choices for their pathways in further education and life beyond school.
Every care is taken to ensure that students make a sensible and informed decision with the help of higher education counselling and parental involvement. Guidance takes into account aspirations, interests and abilities to achieve the 'best fit' for the individual. We provide a comprehensive counselling programme rolled out by year group but also offer individual support and guidance to students and parents as needed. We work closely with Post 16 tutors who also play a crucial role in guiding individual students in their group. We also collaborate with the Pre-16 Learning for Life Team rolling out a programme of continuous whole person development. We aim to empower students to make the choices which will lead each to a personal pathway and where students learn to foster skills, knowledge and attitudes for a fulfilling life. Students who have individual needs and may need extra support in terms of finding unusual or alternative pathways in countries less often applied to, or in securing places at the most competitive universities, are given tailored guidance. We organise and host events specific to supporting our applied learners in exploring progression pathways. You should find all the necessary information you will need for your tertiary education search here. |
Please keep an eye out on our 'University Visits' page so you don't miss the chance to talk to university representatives or experience a taster lecture. You will be able to find out information on how to set up alerts and reminders so you never miss an event!
On our 'Resources' page, you'll find many excellent websites to help you with your university search as well as links to information on additional admissions tests, visas, scholarships, college essays and personal statements and much more. We understand that Year 12 and 13 students may want to utilise their summers with visits and programmes at various university campuses at aspiring universities. As such, we are constantly updating our 'External Events and Summer Programmes' page, which includes details of various courses, camps and sessions taking place both here in Hong Kong and overseas. Students who are looking to apply to competitive courses such as Medicine/Dentistry/Veterinary Science and / or wish to apply to Oxbridge, Ivy League and other competitive US universities (those with an acceptance rate of lower than 15%) are invited to take part in our Most Competitive Programme. Please visit the 'Most Competitive Page' for more information, and our 'Super-curricular' page (under Resources). To view our school profile and list of where past students went to study, click on 'School Profile, Final Destinations & Transcript Requests' Do check out our 'News & Articles' page for some interesting and insightful opinion pieces by key commentators in the Higher Education field, as well as keeping up to date with news and guidance from West Island School. |
Careers guidance throughout the years
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Year 12
Year 13
We work towards helping each individual student select courses that excite them and secure places where they will achieve their potential.